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Recovering After Total Joint Surgery!

Table of Contents

Are you plagued by chronic or intractable pain issues? Have you been injured and run the gamut of treatment options while continuing to suffer from long-lasting effects? Were you involved in a sports-related accident, and sustained debilitating injuries to your joints as a result? If so, total joint surgery may be beneficial. This posting will address the basics of this procedure and give you an overview of what to expect when recovering from total joint surgery.

What Is Involved?

Simply put, a total joint replacement involves removing and replacing a damaged or compromised joint with a synthetic, man-made prosthesis. These prosthetic devices are typically made from plastic, ceramic, or metal materials. The purpose of the operation is to restore movement to the affected joint(s).

While hip and knee joints are commonly replaced, this procedure can also help other damaged or disabled joints, such as a shoulder, wrist, elbow, or even fingers.

What to Expect

Joint pain can stem from a myriad of causes or circumstances. Whether your joints have been ravaged by trauma, disease, or age, the specialists at Eminent Medical Center in Richardson TX are trained in advanced treatment applications designed to improve your overall pain management, bolster your mobility, and enhance your quality of life. Our goal is to get our patients back on track and enjoying life to its fullest.

It is important to note that not all individuals with impaired mobility or damaged joints are candidates for this procedure. If you think you might be a viable candidate, you must consult an orthopedic specialist with expertise in joint replacements to determine your eligibility.

If you are deemed to be a suitable candidate, you want a surgical team that will collaborate with your primary care doctor and assists in the preparation for your upcoming operation as well as your post-surgical recovery. Case in point, your doctor(s) will order tests, such as blood work, EKG, etc., and perform a thorough physical exam as part of your pre-surgical assessment. This is standard protocol before any surgical procedure to ensure the patient is healthy enough to withstand an operation, and it is also intended to pinpoint any areas of concern or abnormalities.

Rehabilitation and Recovery

Recovery and rehabilitation often vary greatly with each patient. In most cases, it is recommended that patients start using the replacement joint(s) shortly after surgery. Generally speaking, the sooner you begin the rehab process, the faster and more complete your recovery. Furthermore, the more complete the recovery, the better your overall well-being and quality of life.

If you are looking for an orthopedic specialist in Richardson TX or the surrounding Dallas-Fort Worth area, the staff at Eminent Medical Center has extensive experience in total joint replacements. As such, you can rest assured that our team can and will help you navigate the path to the operating room as well as its aftermath. For more information about this procedure and our services, click here and consider contacting us for a consultation.
